Each file contains MATLAB data structures indexed by fly i and trial j
PreProcData*.fly(i).trial(j) contains the following fields:
x: frame position of visual scene in arena (can take values from 0 to 95, which span 360deg)
wba: difference in wing-beat amplitude between left and right wings
wbf: wingbeat frequency
time: time in seconds
laser: binary number indicating whether laser punishment was delivered
puff: binary number indicating whether an airpuff was delivered
trialType: 'naive', 'train', or 'probe'
bgsubF: background-subtracted fluorescence (only for 60D05 flies)
SegData*.fly(i).trial(j) contains the following fields:
saccades: structure containing properties of saccades
fixations: structure containing properties of fixations
drift: structure containing properties of drift periods that were not classifies as either fixations or saccades
PI: performance score for trial
PIinds: indices of timepoints used to compute PI scores and other behavioral measures
nlaser: number of timepoints at which laser punishment was delivered.
residency: number of timepoints spent at each of 48 frame positions (i.e., collapsed across the two-fold symmetry of the visual scene)
shifted: data structure containing data aligned to the preferred heading of each fly, defined over the 48 frame positions in the collapsed span of the arena
residencyFull: number of timepoints spent at each of 96 frame positions
shiftedFull: data structure containing data aligned to the preferred heading of each fly, defined over all 96 frame positions
tSeriesProcAll(i).jumpData(j) contains the following fields:
dffMat: fluorescence for 32 wedges in the ellipsoid body, tracked across time
arena: orientation of visual scene in arena, defined from -pi to pi radians
correctedPVA_EB: original population vector average (PVA) of activity in the EB after correcting for multiple offsets
origPVA_EB: original population vector average (PVA) of activity in the EB, without correcting for multiple offsets
PVA_EB_strength: strength of corrected PVA
FRmaps.FRMapHeading: average fluorescence in each of 32 wedges of the EB for each of 48 orientations of the visual scene (i.e., collapsed across the two-fold symmetry of the visual scene)
bumpjumps: structure containing properties of offset between the compass bump and the visual scene
the following fields are copied over from the data structures above:
saccades: structure containing properties of saccades (copied from SegData*.fly(i).trial(j))
fixations: structure containing properties of fixations (copied from SegData*.fly(i).trial(j))
setpoint: preferred arena heading, defined from 0 to 95 pixels
PIinds: indices of timepoints used to compute PI scores and other behavioral measures
x: frame position of visual scene in arena (can take values from 0 to 95, which span 360deg)
wba: difference in wing-beat amplitude between left and right wings