Manual organelle segmentations (crop278) in near-isotropic, reconstructed volume electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) of mouse liver acinus (jrc_mus-liver-zon-1)
This acquisition is part of the CellMap 2024 Segmentation Challenge
- Challenge DOI:
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Annotation description: Dense segmentations of extracellular space, plasma membrane, vesicle membrane, endosome membrane, vesicle lumen, euchromatin, endoplasmic reticulum lumen, endoplasmic reticulum membrane, lysosome lumen, lysosome membrane, endosome lumen, heterochromatin, nuclear pore in, nuclear pore out, nuclear envelope lumen, nuclear envelope membrane, nucleoplasm, cytosol, nucleus, lysosome, endosome, vesicle, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, nuclear pore, chromatin, cell, endoplasmic reticulum membrane collective, nuclear envelope membrane collective in jrc_mus-liver-zon-1 using Amira 3D 2021.1, Classic Segmentation Workroom and the 'Using Amira to manually segment organelles in vEM for machine learning V.3' annotation protocol.
Annotation ID: crop278
Primary Annotator: Woohyun Park
Annotation protocol: Using Amira to manually segment organelles in vEM for machine learning V.3 (
Software: Amira 3D 2021.1, Classic Segmentation Workroom
Annotated voxel size (nm): 4 x 4 x 4 (x, y, z)
Annotated data dimensions (µm): 1.6 x 1.6 x 1.6 (x, y, z)
Annotated data offset (nm): 129062 x 56798 x 114478 (x, y, z)
Classes annotated: extracellular space, plasma membrane, vesicle membrane, endosome membrane, vesicle lumen, euchromatin, endoplasmic reticulum lumen, endoplasmic reticulum membrane, lysosome lumen, lysosome membrane, endosome lumen, heterochromatin, nuclear pore in, nuclear pore out, nuclear envelope lumen, nuclear envelope membrane, nucleoplasm, cytosol, nucleus, lysosome, endosome, vesicle, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, nuclear pore, chromatin, cell, endoplasmic reticulum membrane collective, nuclear envelope membrane collective
Dataset URL: s3://janelia-cosem-datasets/jrc_mus-liver-zon-1/jrc_mus-liver-zon-1.zarr/recon-1/labels/groundtruth/crop278
Source (EM) dataset ID: jrc_mus-liver-zon-1
Source (EM) voxel size (nm): 8 x 8 x 8 (x, y, z)
Source (EM) data dimensions (µm): 397.16 x 171.61 x 188.81 (x, y, z)
Source (EM) DOI:
Visualization website:
Publication: CellMap Segmentation Challenge, 2024.
The CellMap Project Team during this time consisted of: David Ackerman, Davis Bennett, Marley Bryant, Hannah Nguyen, Grace Park, Alyson Petruncio, Alannah Post, Jacquelyn Price, Diana Ramirez, Jeff Rhoades, Rebecca Vorimo, Aubrey Weigel, Marwan Zouinkhi, Yurii Zubov.
The CellMap Project Team Steering Committee during this time consisted of: Misha Ahrens, Christopher Beck, Teng-Leong Chew, Daniel Feliciano, Jan Funke, Harald Hess, Wyatt Korff, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Zhe J. Liu, Kayvon Pedram, Stephan Preibisch, Stephan Saalfeld, Ronald Vale, and Aubrey Weigel.