Janelia Research Campus

Near-isotropic, reconstructed volume electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) of mouse cerebellar granule neurons (jrc_mus-granule-neurons-3)

posted on 2024-03-05, 14:17 authored by CellMap Project TeamCellMap Project Team, Harald HessHarald Hess, Nirmala Iyer, Gleb Shtengel, David Solecki, C. Shan XuC. Shan Xu

Sample: Cultured mouse cerebellar granule neurons (progenitors) transiently expressing HP1 mEmerald / H3.3 SNAP (JF525) / Lamin B Halo(JF646)

Sample Description: Near isotropic FIB-SEM imaging of primary mouse granular neurons to study chromatin domains and their reorganization during development. Six cultured cells imaged in this dataset.

Protocol: High pressure freezing, freeze-substitution resin embedding with 2% OsO₄ 0.1% UA 3% H₂O in acetone; resin embedding in Eponate 12.

Contributions: Sample provided by David Solecki (St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital), prepared for imaging by Nirmala Iyer (HHMI/Janelia), with imaging by C. Shan Xu (Yale), and post-processing by Gleb Shtengel, and Harald Hess(HHMI/Janelia).

Acquisition ID: jrc_mus-granule-neurons-3

Voxel size (nm): 4 x 4 x 5.37 (X, Y, Z)

Data dimensions (µm): 31.2 x 12.0 x 20.2 (X, Y, Z)

Imaging start date: 2019-11-10

Imaging duration (days): 11

Landing energy (eV): 700

Imaging current (nA): 0.88

Scanning speed (MHz): 0.200

Dataset URL (Redirect): https://data.janelia.org/knZ59

Visualization Website: https://openorganelle.janelia.org/datasets/jrc_mus-granule-neurons-3

Publication: Hoffman et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2021
