Overlooked information biases data interpretability
The underlying image data and analysis scripts for Figure 1 of Believing is seeing – the deceptive influence of bias in quantitative microscopy.
The file 20230425_Actin_Timelapse4.czi contains images of actin taken over time as described in README.txt and in the associated publication. The relevant channels of this file are also provided as separate tif files (C1-20230425_Actin_Timelapse4.tif and C2-20230425_Actin_Timelapse4.tif) to simplify use of the FIJI macro (ActinSurvivorBias.ijm). The figure panels used in the associated publication can be recreated using the MATLAB script (plotFigure1.m). The expected output is provided as a zipped folder for both the FIJI macro (ExampleOutput_FIJImacro.zip) and the MATLAB script (ExampleOutput_plotFigure1.zip).