"sim_high_drift", "sim_fast_drift", "sim_med_drift", "sim_no_drift", "sim_step_drift", "sim_stepNP2_drift": simulations of electrophysiology data from a Neuropixels probe with varying levels of drift, created using waveforms acquired from drifting recordings from the IBL dataset (waveforms from recordings in "all_waveforms.npz").
"sim_hybrid_KS042_2020-11-23", "sim_hybrid_NYU-37_2021-01-25", "sim_hybrid_ZFM-01936_2021-01-24": hybrid simulations, using 3 low drift recordings from Neuropixels probes from the IBL dataset.
Each folder has the ephys simulation across 385 channels: "sim.imec0.ap.cbin", along with the header "sim.imec0.ap.ch". We compressed the original binary files using the mtscomp compression scheme from the IBL (https://github.com/int-brain-lab/mtscomp). Please install this library to decompress them using these two files.
Each folder also has the spike times and waveforms of the ground-truth units ("st", "cl", and "wfs") in "sim.imec0.ap_params.npz", and the "sim.imec0.ap.meta" probe file that can be used with spikeinterface.
Code to create simulations available at https://github.com/mouseland/kilosort, simulation.py.