Janelia Research Campus
FunctionalData.zip (858.41 MB)

Longitudinal functional imaging data for the zebrafish embryonic spinal cord

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modified on 2019-09-14, 19:09
Each data set in this archive includes a file named "profile.mat", which contains the time-dependent intensity signals of individual cells recorded by longitudinal calcium imaging (variable "profile_all", Ncells x Ntimepoints), their 3D spatial coordinates (variable "tracks_smoothed", Ncells x Ntimepoints x 3), their molecular identity (binary variable "mnx", NCell x 1), and their anatomical location in the developmental atlas of the spinal cord (variables "x": AP location, "y": LR location, "z": DV location, Nells x 1).

Data sets named "func_*" contain only the information described above.
Data sets named "islet_*" contain the information above, as well as information about neuron identity from islet1/2 staining (binary variable "islet" in "profile.mat", Ncell x 1).
Data sets named "lineage_*" contain the information above, as well as information about the birth time of each neuron (variable "birthtime" in "profile.mat", Ncell x 1). They furthermore include a file "dev_data.mat", which contains information on the 4D lineages of all cells in the swc format (variable "trackingM", nPoints x 10, columns represent cell_id, type, x, y, z, radius, parent_id, timepoint, confidence, lineage_id), and the cell identifier of leaf nodes corresponding to cells analyzed in the longitudinal functional imaging data (variable "leafID", NCell x 1).